Meditation for Beginners – Second Book Almost Finished

My husband has been writing a couple of books about meditation for beginners over the past decade plus. The first book was a real success and has sold a few thousand copies already at The title is, “Meditation for Beginners – A 22-Day Course”. Here is the information page for it at our main Thai Amulet Sales site – Meditation for Beginners book (click).

He is almost finished with the next book in the series, called, “Meditation for Beginners – Secrets for Success.” This one gives the entire meditation process in a detailed format so you can follow it no matter what your experience level.

This next book will be available at also and will be about the same price.

If you or someone you know is beginning meditation and you want a book that shows you exactly, step-by-step, what to do in order to reach the higher stages (Jhana) of meditation – get this next book when it is released. It is cheap and I promise it is one of the best on the Amazon.

If you or someone you know needs some help or advice with their meditation practice, you can find our recommended meditation coach here – Vern Lovic Meditation Coaching. Vern is the author of the books mentioned above as well as “101 Curious and Bizarre Meditation Experiences,” and “Mindfulness for Beginners” all of which can be found at Amazon.

Thank you!

With metta,

Abby :)

The Pali word metta has various meanings. For us it is loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana).

Click one of the below Buddhist figures to learn more and find amulets:

The Buddha – Happy Buddha – Jinaraj Buddha – Somdej Buddha

Kwan Yin – Ganesh – Nong Kwak – Luang Phor Tuad 

Jatukam Ramathep –  Thai Black Magic – Buddha Relics

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