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Thai Amulet Trays in High Resolution

Some people ask us if we really have the pendants we sell. Today we got the idea to take photos of the pendant trays we have at the moment so you can see – we really have the amulets.

We have over 2,300 pendants in stock presently – and we have more every week. We did not take photos of all our pendants – we cannot find enough trays to put them in. As soon as we find more trays we’ll take photos of those pendants too.

NOTE – our inventory is constantly changing.

Click the photo to see the high resolution photos of these amulets.

Tray of Kwan Yin amulets.

Kwan Yin Amulets Tray

Tray of Jatukam Ramathep amulets with Buddha.

Jatukam Ramathep Amulets Tray 1

Tray of Jatukam Ramathep amulets.

Jatukam Ramathep Amulets Tray 2

Third tray of Jatukam Ramathep amulets.

Jatukam Style Buddha Pendants Tray

A tray full of Ganesh Amulets.

Ganesh Amulets Tray 1

Second tray of Ganesh/Ganesha amulets.

Ganesh Amulets Tray 2

A tray of big triangle shaped Buddha amulets.

Buddha Triangle Shaped Amulets Tray

A full tray of big triangle Buddhas.

Buddha Waterproof and Metal Amulets Tray

A collection of 26 different styles of Buddha amulets from Thailand Theravada Buddhist temples around Bangkok.

Small Buddha Charms Tray

A tray of metal Buddhas.

More Waterproof Buddhas Tray

A tray of colorful amulets featuring Buddha.

Colorful Buddhas Tray

A tray of Luang Phor Tuad amulets.

Luang Phor Tuad Tray


SSL Security Seal for Thai Amulet Sales.

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