Nang Kwak Amulets – Business Prosperity

This is an overview of one of the most beloved figures in Thai Buddhist culture, Nang Kwak (also called Nong Kwak and Nang Wak).

[Page last updated 3 March 2024]

Nang Kwak – The Beckoning Lady in Thailand

Visitors to Thailand are almost certain to come across a statue or image of a beckoning lady on a Buddhist pendant during their stay. Foreigners might think she is waving “good-bye” – in Western culture, that appears to be what her right hand is doing.

However, in Thailand the same motion that Western citizens use to wave bye, Thais use to call someone over to them. She will usually be noticeable in shops and other businesses. Her beckoning motion can give the impression that she is inviting people to come inside to check out the merchandise.

This is Nang Kwak. She is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to those businesses that pay her respect.

Characteristics of Nang Kwak Amulets

  • decorative dress with patterns
  • hair long and visible
  • right hand up looks like cobra hood, but this is the way Thais call someone over (calling the money in)
  • sitting on legs doubled under her
  • sometimes many bracelets on the left wrist
  • found in stores especially – usually only females on an altar in Buddhist business or home

Respect is shown by giving favors or gifts, usually in the form of incense, food, and drink – by placing them in front of her statue. In the morning, before businesses open, you can often see one of the owners of the business showing respect to their Nang Kwak shrine.

The shrines are almost always above head level, but there are also elaborate shrines that spread out over the floor of a room and contain many Nang Kwak, and other Buddhist images, including Buddha himself.

Legend of Nang Kwak

There are different opinions as to the exact origins of Nang Kwak (Disambiguation – sometimes pronounced Nang Gwak or Nang Kwak, Nong is also sometimes used). The most popular legend is that she was the daughter of a merchant living in India around the time of the Buddha.

Her name then was, Supawadee. Her father needed to travel from town to town in order to make enough money to keep his family alive, and he would usually take his daughter with him.

It was during one of these business trips that Supawadee came to a place where a revered Buddhist monk by the name of Phra Gumarn Gasaba was teaching. Nong Kwak easily absorbed the Buddha’s teachings and became a convert to Buddhism.

Phra Gumarn Gasaba felt so delighted with her almost instant understanding of his message that he gave her a special blessing – one that gave her everlasting good luck in business.

Feel like SHOPPING for NANG KWAK pendants now?

Suapawadee continued to travel from town to town with her father, but there was a noticeable change in their fortunes. It became easy to sell their goods and new business opportunities kept on coming their way. Within a few short years, their business was thriving, and Supawadee’s family became quite prosperous.

After her father died, she took over the operation and things continued to go well. Despite her great success in business she continued to be a kindhearted person and a devout follower of Buddhism. Her fame for having the ‘golden touch’ in business meant that people would seek her out when they needed advice – she never turned anyone away.

During her lifetime Supawadee was considered a special person by many people, but it was after she died that she became an object of devotion by so many Thais, Indians, and Chinese.

This happened because business people who had heard about her found that they benefited from good luck in their transactions after they prayed and built shrines for her.

The news of her miraculous power spread until it eventually reached Thailand and beyond. Today Malaysians, Singaporeans, Laotians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Sri Lankans, Indians, Burmese, and others, hold a special place in their hearts for Nong Kwak and her special blessing.

How Are Nang Kwak Amulets Good for Business in Thailand?

There is uncertainty about when exactly the Thais became interested in Nang Kwak. It is suggested that people were already paying homage to her in the form of Mae Po Sop (the rice goddess) even before the legend of Suapawadee arrived in the country.

One theory is that the merchants from India, who helped to spread knowledge about Buddhism in Southeast Asia, had a fondness for statues of Supawadee.

Thais noticed that these merchants were usually more successful in business than they themselves, so they adopted this form of worship. In the years that followed, the legend of Supawadee may have become mixed in with the worship of Mae Po Sop.

The name Nang Kwak (นางกวัก) can be roughly translated as ‘beckoning lady’ or ‘waving lady’. The Thais will often add the word ‘Mae’ which means ‘mother’ before her name as a sign of respect.

Most businesses will have a statue of her proudly on display for luck, and failure to have a Mae Nang Kwak installed on the premises would be viewed by most Thais as a bit reckless.

There are regular stories in the Thai media about how paying devotion to this image has led to increased business prosperity, so her popularity shows no signs of waning.

Nang Kwak Amulet – Poses and Postures

There are variations in how Nang Kwak is depicted, but she is nearly always kneeling down with her right hand beckoning – waving with the palm facing downwards. The Thai style of Nang Kwak is of a thin, beautiful young woman, but there is also a Chinese version where she is plump and older looking.

It is common for her to be wearing a red upper garment, but other colors can also be used. In many depictions of her, the non-waving hand is clutching a bag of gold or other precious items. This is how you know a Nang Kwak pendant is about making money for the renter of the amulet.

Nang Kwak Amulets

The belief in a Nang Kwak’s ability to bring good fortune has also meant that her image is often worn as an amulet. Many of these will be blessed by revered Buddhist monks in order to give them added potency.

There are many different designs available from simple images made from powder mixes to pendants made from gold. Some Nang Kwak pendants have a reputation for being particularly lucky, and these will be the most expensive to buy.

Nang Kwak Amulets for money, wealth, and business prosperity.
Nang Kwak figurine, and three waterproof pendants we have in-stock today (one sold out). If you would like one of these amulets, send us an email at our Contact Form in the links at the top of this page. ©

We have not sold many of her amulets, simply because we have not had many for sale. We are in the process of finding some of the best pendants we can find, but they are rather hard to locate in original Buddhist temples.

Jewelry shops have heaps of them, but we’re not interested in selling items from jewelry shops – which are usually unblessed and not made by a Theravada Buddhist temple at all.

At the moment we have many unique Nang Kwak amulets, including solid white jade stone! We will put a link to them below where you can shop and buy one if you like. (In a few days, we’ll have a link up).

Here is more information about Thai Nong Kwak amulets, and other pendants for wealth, business prosperity, and making money.

Nang Kwak and Her Place in Thai Folklore/Myth

  • She was deemed a Bodhisattva and household goddess in Thai folklore.
  • She brings good fortune, prosperity, and attracts customers to businesses.

What Did Nang Kwak Look Like and How Was She Portrayed?

  • Commonly dressed in red Thai clothing.
  • An incarnation of Mae Po Sop, the Thai rice goddess, and similar to the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
  • Found among shops and merchants.

Buddhist Symbolism and Luck Accumulation

  • Benevolent spirit believed to bring luck, especially in terms of money, to households.
  • Patron deity of merchants and salesmen.
  • Figurines or Yantra Cloth posters placed in homes and shops for good luck.

Legends of Nang Kwak and Her Family

  • Trader Family Legend
    • Nang Kwak is portrayed as Nang Supawadee, a maiden from a trader family.
    • Converted to Buddhism and received blessings of good fortune from a Buddhist monk.
  • Ramakien Epic Legend
    • Another legend ties Nang Kwak to the Ramakien epic, defending a king from a demon.
    • Nang Kwak gained the boon of fortune and prosperity in various places.

Artist Representations of Nang Kwak

  • Depicted as a beautiful woman in a red Thai dress.
  • Wears a golden crown and is often shown in a sitting or kneeling position.
  • Right hand raised in the Thai beckoning gesture, left hand resting on her side or holding a bag of gold.
  • Iconography influenced by Hindu goddess Sri Lakshmi and Japanese Maneki Neko beckoning cat.
  • Cultural Significance:
  • Widely embraced in Thailand, with her presence in almost every business establishment.
  • People wear amulets with her figure for good luck, especially those involved in selling wares.

Feel free to ask if you want more details or have specific questions!

Nang Kwak White Jade Amulet 6 - WLK Collection
Solid white jade Nang Kwak amulet we can put in a case for you. ©

Don’t miss our WHITE JADE NANG KWAK special collection pendants HERE >

History and Amulets from these Buddhist Figures:

9 thoughts on “Nang Kwak Amulets – Business Prosperity”

  1. I would like to ask if the small amulet of nang kwak is available and how much in singapore dollar and is it free shipping?

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