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Big Thai Amulet Shopping Trip – Finished

We went on a big pendant shopping trip over the past few days. If you ordered during that time, you received a “Vacation Notice” from the auto-responder rest assured, we got your amulet, necklace, and bracelet orders and will be processing them today and tomorrow as we get back to normal.

We stopped at 9 temples during our short journey – and found a couple of hundred pendants to sell to you. We were overjoyed to see that one of our favorite temples and pendant makers – had a batch of unseen pendants hidden in one of the buildings at the wat (temple) and were able to talk the monks into letting us have them (to rent/sell to others).

Buddhists say “rent” amulets, because they don’t feel right in saying they own them to begin with. Nobody really claims ownership of them, looking at the big-picture scenario.

We were able to purchase a couple of hundred nice Thai amulets, including some Buddhas, Kwan Yin, and Nong Kwak, as well as some amazing new necklaces that we were really happy to find.

By far the coolest thing was finding more of the ultra-rare white jade Buddha pendants in the Somdej style from a remote Buddhist temple in Thailand’s northeast. Along with the white jade, we also found petrified wood Buddha pendants in triangle and rectangle (Somdej) style!

Some of the pendants were too heavy to carry around town and on the planes, so we shipped them to our home through the mail. We’re anxious to get them for sure.

The white jade Buddha pendants will be found here as soon as we get them listed. We may also put some of them at ThaiAmuletStore.com just to give a preview of what can be found at All Buddhas.

If you are shopping for a new necklace for your amulet or new bracelet – we have many new styles to choose from. We bought about 300 new pendant necklaces of varying styles.

OK then, we’ll go pack orders. Thanks to all who have made this business worthwhile. It is really an amazing feeling to bring authentic Buddhist amulets, necklaces, and bracelets straight from the temples of Thailand and into your home. Please support us this year!



Click one of the below Buddhist figures to learn more and find amulets:

The Buddha – Happy Buddha – Jinaraj Buddha – Somdej Buddha

Kwan Yin – Ganesh – Nong Kwak – Luang Phor Tuad 

Jatukam Ramathep –  Thai Black Magic – Buddha Relics

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