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Thai Black Magic Amulets | Buddhist History

This black magic pendant above was made from the dirt found in 7 sacred graveyards. The pendant comes from Wat Tham Seua (Tiger Cave Temple) in Krabi province where Ajarn Jumnien Seelasettho is the Abbot and creator of this powerful amulet.

The pendant comes in brown, tan, grey, yellow, blue, and maroon. We have brown and yellow in a nice plastic waterproof case. We have some with Aj. Jumnien sitting in meditation on top of a tiger.

[Page Updated: 5 December 2023]

Thai Black Magic Amulets – Is It Practiced in Thailand?

Black magic is firmly entrenched in Thailand. Its origin aligns closely with Animism (Latin – animus “soul, or, life”) in which animals and other objects, living and dead are believed to have spirits or souls. Plants, trees, rocks, and other things were sometimes considered gods or with the ability to affect weather, people’s emotions and health, and luck.

Before Buddhism was even heard of in Thailand (it came from India), there were Animism and black magic beliefs, rituals, superstitions, and magic spells.

Though Theravada Buddhism is the belief system followed by more than 90% of the country’s residents, there is also a small Christian group and a relatively large Muslim group based mainly in the southern provinces of Thailand, near Malaysia.

Black magic, animism, and belief in the supernatural and superstition is held by a majority of Thailand’s populace, regardless of the religion or belief system they primarily identify with. Black magic is not only concerned with negative, evil, demons, or bad things.

Black magic spells and pendants can also be used for good, protection, luck, health, love, fertility, and as many other uses as there are human needs and desires.

Thai Buddha eyes watching over Thai Amulet Store.
Eyes from a statue at a temple in Suratthani that had many black magic statues and themes. © ThaiAmuletStore.com

Thailand is a land where modernity and black magic can coexist peacefully. There is no culture war in this part of the world. The Thai people will see no contradiction in enjoying the best of what science has to offer, while still retaining a respect for ghosts and the supernatural which are not wholly explainable.

If foreigners claim that they doubt the existence of ghosts, their response can be respectful incredulity. This is particularly true for those who live in rural Thailand where doubting the existence of ghosts would be almost akin to doubting the existence of the moon.

Thailand is predominately a Buddhist country, but this tends to be mixed with older animistic beliefs. The people of Thailand are renowned for their love of life, and their laid-back attitude (this is exemplified in the famous Thai saying ‘mai pen rai’ – it doesn’t matter), but they also have a strong belief in powerful supernatural entities.

These spirits, ghosts, and demons are to be feared and respected because they can bring great harm as well as good. Over the centuries, the Thais as a people have developed tools and techniques for staying on the good side of these entities.

To dismiss this aspect of the culture would be to ignore much of what it means to be Thai. Black magic is everywhere, and it is a very common theme in television shows and movies.

Some of the most popular movies of the year, and in history, have focused on Thai evil spirits and the bad things they are capable of. Interestingly, most of the stories on popular media treat the supernatural in a comedic fashion. Almost as if they don’t want to scare people too directly.

The subject is frightening enough to many Thais.


Around the world, black magic has been and is practiced in many cultures. Maybe even most cultures. Native American Indians still use medicine men, and spirit guides to advise them, and to fix problems in their tribe.

In the USA in Salem and many southern states, witchcraft – practicing black magic and doing anything attributed to the supernatural was punished with the most horrible form of torture resulting in death. Burning people alive was popular.

Cuba and other Spanish-speaking places have Santa Ria. It was big in Miami, Florida when I lived there. My roommate actually found a small black coffin with small people made out of yarn and pins through their bodies while out on a run near a railroad track.

Seances are popular around the world – in which dead people or spirits are contacted through a medium.

I think in particular Southeast Asia has a very high number of people who believe in black magic and the black arts.

Evidence of belief in black magic is evidenced by a rather strong belief in ghosts. This is easily seen around the country in the form of spirit houses.


One important element of Thai black magic is the spirit house. These are called ‘san phra phum’ in Thai. They look like miniature houses or temples and are usually mounted on a pillar to bring them up off the ground one or two meters high.

The Mau Pii is often the person who offers advice for where these should be kept, and they will be mostly found outside private dwellings or business premises, but also on tracts of land. It is also common to see them at the side of the road in places that are known to be accident black spots.

The purpose of the spirit house is to give ghosts a place to call their own rather than having them come inside other dwellings where they can cause mischief. It is possible to ensure that these non-physical beings are extra happy by offering things at the shrine.

Many people make offerings to the spirits at these spirit houses. Offerings of soda, fruit, water, other beverages, cigarettes, and other things. It is not unheard of to pass a spirit house on the side of the road that is covered in red Fanta soda bottles and cans.

Anything to do with the spirit baby – Kuman Thong – is predominantly covered in red Fanta offerings. Spirit houses may have statues, images, or pendants of monks, Kuman Thong, Kwan Yin, Nong Kwak, Luang Phor Tuad, Luang Phor Klai, Ganesh, Shiva, Rahu, or other respected or feared deities inside.

One near our home on a bad corner has about twenty bottles of the red Fanta, anytime we pass it.

If the family or business owners wish to put an extension on their home or building they will often do the same for the spirit house to prevent the ghosts from becoming envious.


Thais generally believe in ghosts to some degree. There are many stories that have been passed down through the culture about ghosts that haunt places or people. There are pendants of the ghosts, though they are not always sold at the Buddhist temples because abbots of some temples don’t believe in it.

There are hundreds of ghosts (pi, or phi – pronounced pee in Thai) said to be real in Thailand. Some of the better-known ones are:

Pi Mae Nak – a female baby that died during delivery. She is well known for extending her arms in a very frightening pose!

Pi – a general term for ghosts, but also referring to a spirit ghost that sits directly on someone’s chest while they sleep. In Thai movies (comedy and horror) there will often be a scene or many scenes in which a horrible ghost is sitting on someone as they sleep and wake up. Everyone jumps because it’s just so scary to them.


Thailand black magic pendants were created by and practiced by monks and laypeople. Often the ascetic, Lersi, who was not actually a monk, but was a master of the spirit world, guides black magic spells and rituals. Spellcasting is done by laypeople.

Buddhist monks have also got into the practice here in Thailand. Though, as you know, black magic and witchcraft, Thai voodoo – Barang, has nothing at all to do with Theravada Buddhism, Thais have integrated it into their belief system and most cannot distinguish between the two.

Monks make elaborate demonstrations of their “supernatural” power by boiling oil in a large vat and then sitting inside it on some banana leaves – emerging unburned.

Monks create elaborate magical Takrut amulets, and long staffs with snakes, naga, serpents, or other animals. Ajarn Jumnien in Krabi province is said to be well-versed in rituals to gain favor in the spirit world.


One of the most noticeable forms of black magic in Thailand would probably be amulets. These are believed to provide the wearer with good luck and protection. Some pendants are fairly large, and it is not uncommon for people to wear many of them at the same time – this means that they can be quite noticeable.

The level of magic power that a pendant holds varies, and this will be reflected in its monetary value. Those pieces that have a proven record can be worth millions of Baht. Some people are willing to pay more for this lucky charm pendant than they will for any other possession including their homes.

These days it isn’t only Thai people who are interested in purchasing these powerful objects – it has become a worldwide phenomenon.

We sell only a few black magic pendants here at ThaiAmuletStore.com. First of all, we don’t know that much about them. Admittedly. There is a lot of information out there about the topic, and a lot of it is hearsay. There is a lot of disagreement among laypeople about rituals and superstitions.

Few people you ask can even tell you how black magic pendants originated in Thailand.

There are those who seem to be experts on the subject, and they are usually monks or past monks living in Thailand. If you have a detailed question about Thai black magic, you should approach one of the monks or other men who apply the sacred Yan tattoos.

They are usually very knowledgeable about the subject and can help you with any questions or to clear up any misunderstandings.

Here are a couple of our black magic pendants (click to see more product information):

  • Rahu – Demon eating the Moon or Sun amulet.
  • Demon with curled hat

Kuman Thong

(pronounced koo-mun tong) In the Thai language, “boy gold.” An unborn male child demon or spirit that is very popular in Thailand. The boy is typically smiling and is a little chubby. Statues and amulets, if kept, must be taken care of or the owner will suffer the wrath of the child’s spirit.

The boy’s appetite needs to be satisfied for various vices, including red Fanta, cigarettes, sweets with sugar and chocolate, milk, and sweet beverages.

Many Thais take this to an extreme and talk to their Kuman Thong on a schedule throughout the day as well as make multiple offerings. If bad luck happens throughout the day, Thais believing in Kuman Thong will make more offerings to try to appease a demanding Kuman Thong.

The original Kuman Thong baby died in utero and was roasted golden brown by his father who wanted to use the unborn soul of his son to help him defeat all enemies and obstacles.

Kuman Thong pendants feature a baby spirit enclosed in a plastic, airtight container with oil and some other liquids. The liquids of the original Kuman Thong may include blood and other fluids from fetuses or the mother.

The power associated with Kuman Thong pendants is said to be exceptionally strong, and Thais do not look at them lightly. We are not allowed to keep them in our home – grandma has told us on a number of occasions. Bone, blood, teeth, hair, skin, and other items are often found in the genuine Kumon Thong pendants made by monks at the temples.

A solid brass Kuman Thong baby pendant with a lotus shaped gold plated case.
A solid brass Kuman Thong baby pendant with a lotus-shaped gold plated case. © ThaiAmuletStore.com

We do have special pendants made from the ground dirt of seven different burial grounds, in a Black Magic Amulet from Wat Tum Sua Temple. These are rectangular, black amulets, and are said to have a lot of power. You can find them at this link: Black Magic Amulet.

RAHU – Hindu God

Rahu is a Hindu deity (god or demon), but is mentioned in Buddhist scriptures, particularly two separate times in the Samyutta Nikaya of the Pali Canon (Buddhist ‘bible’ written in Pali and Sanskrit language).

In them, the RAHU demon is compelled to release the sun and the moon from his jaws as they recite some prayers stating their allegiance to the Buddha. These are prayers of protection in Buddhist literature and practice in Thailand’s Theravada Buddhism.

In Hinduism – Vishnu cut off the head of Rahu, who was full of pride. Rahu could not be killed, so the head existed by itself. The body of Rahu is Ketu. They are sometimes together, but in Thailand usually, the head of Rahu exists separately on amulets.

One of our favorite RAHU AMULETS (click to order):

Rahu demon eating the moon and covered with auspicious Pali language symbols. Reverse is 4-headed Buddha.
Rahu demon. eating the moon. © ThaiAmuletStore.com


A yant (yan, yantra) is a magical phrase or spell used to imbue something with supernatural power. This practice originated in Cambodia (Thais say “Gamboosha”). Often times Pali language symbols are used. Pali is the language used during the Buddha’s time in Northern India.

There are Sak Yan tattoos, yant flags, yants on Takrud amulets, and yants on the back of Jatukam Ramathep pendants from Nakhon Si Thammarat, and many other amulets. Yants can consist of any combination of Thai and Pali words and symbols, star patterns, patterns monks create, geometric shapes and patterns, Chinese zodiac symbols, and images of Rahu or other demons or deities.

Basically, a monk can add anything that he wants to increase the power of the Yan.

We don’t give or do spells, chanting, or any other black magic practice here. We do have some black magic pendants that we found at the Buddhist temples near our home, or during our travels. We make no claims about them, except they are absolutely authentic because they were purchased at the temple directly.

We don’t buy from street-side pendant vendors, or other claimed experts. We only buy at the temple.

Sak Yant is a special type of tattoo that is believed to offer the wearer special protection or increase their good fortune. It is usually created using sharpened bamboo and the artist can be a Mau Pii or a Buddhist monk. These tattoos are usually created with ink, but it is also possible to create them with various oils so that they become invisible.

In this way, the Sak Yant offers protection without any visible marks on the body. There are many different styles of Sak Yant and each will offer their own unique protections and powers. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of westerners asking for this type of tattoo.

Angelina Jolie and other famous people across the globe have Sak Yant tattoos. Some Westerners journey to Thailand for the sole purpose of having these Yan tattoos done by black magic monks in Bangkok.

Bangkok has a number of Buddhist monks like Pi Pant and Pi Nan who are experts at applying sacred Sak Yan tattoos to devoted followers who are sure the tattoos will protect them from knives, clubs, bullets, bad luck, bad health, and in general from all enemies.

The application of a magic tattoo is accompanied by the master chanting, praying, and breathing on the tattoo to imbue the tattoo with magical properties for the owner.

The use of black magic spells to cause the demise or misfortune of others has been outlawed in Thailand. Though detrimental magic spells have been deemed illegal, that doesn’t stop the practice from thriving.

In the Isaan area of Thailand, the northeast section in relation to Bangkok, ya sang (ยาสั่ง) is a supernatural belief that is practiced. Ya means medicine. These black magic beliefs consist of using poisonous plants to bring death or bad health to the victim of the spell.

Sometimes people take it too far and actually poison someone’s food or drink with deadly plants.


The most famous of all Thai ghosts is Mae Nak Phra Khanong (Lady Nak of Phra Khanong). The story that is associated with her is said to have occurred during the reign of King Rama IV – which would have been between 1851 and 1868.

Mae Nak lived with her husband, Mak, in Bangkok on the banks of the Phra Khanong canal. Mak was called off to war while Nak was still in early pregnancy.

Both Nak and the baby died during childbirth. Mak was unaware of what happened to his family. He was badly injured in the war and it took him many weeks to recuperate in the hospital.

When he eventually returned to his home he found that his wife and newborn child were waiting for him – he did not realize that they were ghosts.

The ghost Nak is living happily with her husband until he discovers the terrifying truth about her. He is so fearful that he runs away. Nak chases after him but when he enters the grounds of a temple she is unable to follow – ghosts are not allowed on sacred ground.

She is so angry by this that she begins to haunt her neighbors and causes great disruption in their lives.

Eventually, a powerful spirit doctor was able to imprison her inside an earthen jar. There is another version of this story that ends when Nak is convinced by a monk to stop her bad behavior – she is told that her husband will die and they will later be reunited.

The story of Mae Nak Phra Khanong is much loved by the Thai people because it combines romance with the supernatural. There is a shrine devoted to Nak near where she is said to have lived – on the banks of the Phra Khanong canal. It is one of the most popular shrines in Bangkok, and people go there to leave flowers and other gifts. This story has been retold in many movies and TV shows.


The Mau Pii (spirit doctor) has traditionally played an important role in Thai village life. This is the person who acts as an intermediary between the villagers and the local ghost and spirit population. This person will be called upon to conduct ceremonies for those times in life when people feel they need the spirits on their side.

A good modern example of this would be inviting the Mau Pii to bless a new iPad in case the ghosts become jealous and cause it to stop functioning. It is particularly important to have cars and motorbikes blessed by the Mau Pii as this is believed to reduce the risk of having an accident.

In our used Honda we bought two years ago, we have, on the inside ceiling of the vehicle, some white and gold powder in a traditional arrangement – an indication of monks having blessed our car when owned by the original buyer.

Traditionally the spirit doctor has also been given the role of interpreting dreams. It is often the case that an intense nightmare will be considered a bad omen, and the person who experienced it may decide they need a blessing from the Mau Pii in order to cleanse themselves.


One of the strangest forms of Thai black magic involves the large wooden penis amulet. These are statutes and pendants that are believed to perform a number of functions. Men believe that owning a wooden penis will increase their sperm count and make them better lovers.

This means that if a Thai man is having difficulties impregnating his wife he might purchase this sacred object before resorting to an infertility clinic. Women who want to get pregnant will also turn to the lucky penis for help with this.

There are phalluses of all sizes and colors to be found at Buddhist temples and other locations, like markets, in Thailand.

If you go out to Railay Beach, in Krabi province, Thailand – you will find Phra Dang Cave. The entire cave is filled with hundreds of phalluses, as offerings to the god of the cave. If you travel to Nong Khai, Thailand in the north, and you visit the Buddhist statue grounds you can find a market with numerous, giant carved phalluses for good luck with your fertility issues.


Keep in mind that it is not just the uneducated who believe in the power of black magic. Recently the new PM (Prime Minister) of  Thailand, General Prayuth Chanocha, stated that he believed his ill health was the result of black magic spells cast by his opponents.

This is taken very seriously in Thailand. If someone were found to be casting black magic spells on someone in public, they would probably be charged in a court of law and sentenced. Certainly, if the person was doing it against one of the rulers of the country.

In Thailand, there are many Buddhist monks who claim to have supernatural powers. Indeed the Buddhist Sutras, the books written about Buddhism, tell of abhinna powers that consist of supernatural abilities available to some meditators after reaching the fourth Jhana. There are monks who routinely give out lucky lottery numbers to devotees.

Some monks have refused to continue this practice, and yet they are followed around and prompted over and over to give numbers. The people following them around trying to read into what a monk says, to divine some special numbers – which they rush to play at the lotto drawing.

More Black Magic Amulet Images:

Luang Phu Thuat's black magic amulet with gold sash and gold case.
Luang Phor Tuad black pendant with dirt from seven graveyards. © ThaiAmuletStore.com

Black Magic Resources

21 thoughts on “Thai Black Magic Amulets | Buddhist History”

  1. Hi I’m wee from Singapore .possible the mastet to make a special amulet for me ,to make a woman I love to with me forever? Please reply .thank

  2. Hi. May I seek your kind black magic help to pray for me to win my sons care and control case and prevent my ex husband family from creating problems to me? He has invited jump god to help him win the kids, but he has not take good care of my sons.

    And can you help my current husband pray to win USA’s powerball lottery top prize so that we can pay lawyer fees and his parents medical bills?

    Thank you.
    Hope to hear good news from you soon.

  3. Hi there… Sorry, we do not believe much in the power of amulets to help you win a lottery or to gain custody of your children. Many people do believe – and we have amulets that are supposed to help, but we do not recommend something to help because really – it seems like you should focus all your energy and money on trying to win your case with good works and deeds to convince the court. Use the $100 you’ll spend on amulets to take your kids out to a Buddhist temple and teach them about true Buddhism. If you cannot find it at the temple, buy them books that can teach them about core Buddhist values… right thinking, right speech, right action… :P

  4. Hi, I m from Malaysia. Previously I stay in a hotel in Johor. The last few days, I’m touched by a male ghost. When I back to my house, it follow too. My house got pray Guan Yin but I don’t know how it enter. Now everyday rape me when I sleep, I put ‘tao amulet’ but few days after it will able to come near me. I got wear Phra kHun Paeng amulet but beginning useful afterthat also can’t. Morning also it can come to rape me. Pls help, what amulet I can wear can rebel it. Thx a lot

  5. Im facing many problem,
    1st . I am apply to get a house in goverment quartres find very diffucult,need your help.
    2nd Im jobless , cant get any work.
    3rd very much expenses.wanna reduce expenses.
    What i need to do now??

  6. Any special strong amulet to make a man I loved deep to be mine instead of the wife I wan him not to leave me in regardless anything happen thank you

  7. Black magic is bad, white magic is good so white mean protection , black mean evil or to kill someone. God is magic too if u honest never kill anyone, stolen, cheating or rape anyone u pray for god he can help u every time!

  8. Good evening . I badly need amulet :
    -Your blessings are important for me
    – I cant able to complete my studies which becoming hard for me day by day and i struggling so much just because of my father
    – Last time i studies for flight attendant and still i dont received any call or message from interviewer
    – I want to fulfill my parents needs and expense for my family
    – I want to have protection from people who do harm for me or who come talk to me with bad attitude
    – My ex boyfriend left me for another girl and now they are not together but still he find someone else and he cheated me
    -I want luck with me all the time and to be live luxury
    -I want people who are with me to be live with happy and if i can help others with what they need
    – Soonly i want to get a good job with high salary where i can take care of my family by my own and help my sister for her wedding financially.thank you

  9. I need the black magic amulet made with from 7 sacred graveyard, let me know the price.i also need the amulet with sacred oil, let know the price. Thanks for your understanding

  10. i am from the netherlands i know there is somethimg wrong in my live i have everytime weird dreams and i hear voices i tried so many things but notting helps i think i the passed when i wend to pakistan on vacation with my parends some one did black magic on me i still suffer from this. where can i find protection cure.

  11. hi i am having health, job and financial deficulties for the past three years. pls help me to overcome this situation.

  12. We think you should speak to a monk in your area. Look up Theravada Buddhist Temples in your area and go visit. No appointment necessary.

  13. Instead of buying an amulet that may not be right for you, please visit the Buddhist temple near your house and talk with the monks there. Monks can help you deal with a bad state of mind so you can fight through your problems. Please do this…

  14. Hello
    I have a person that has put some black magic on me and I want it removed and I want her to suffer like I have been doing for 6years and still continuing with it

    (evil eye + black magic)

    I need help

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