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Search Anything: Somdej, LPT, Buddha, Pidta

New Thai Amulet Videos Coming

We’ll be uploading some of our just-shot Thai pendant videos at the www.youtube.com/user/thaiamuletsales channel on YouTube in the next 36 hours. The videos of the pendants are more representative of the items we have because you can see them from many angles and the light just seems much better than with still photography.

If you are in the market for a new Thai pendant – check out our channel, or, page 7 of the Buddha pendants that we just added. There is a link for pendant videos there below each pendant we have video for.

Metta and best of karma to you!

Click one of the below Buddhist figures to learn more and find amulets:

The Buddha – Happy Buddha – Jinaraj Buddha – Somdej Buddha

Kwan Yin – Ganesh – Nong Kwak – Luang Phor Tuad 

Jatukam Ramathep –  Thai Black Magic – Buddha Relics

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