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Thai Amulets Real or Fake?

Thai Amulets – Real or Fake? How to Choose Authentic Thailand Amulets Online

This is a collection of information about real, sacred, and blessed Thai amulets.

[Page updated 9 January 2024]

My wife is a lovely Thai girl from the Sisaket countryside in Thailand in the northeast. We have been given, and have collected over the past few years many Buddhist pendants of various types.

We have so many at this point we don’t know what to do with them (2005), so they sat in storage where they weren’t doing anybody any good at all.

We decided to sell many of them and keep those that have personal meaning to us. We have sold new pendants from Wat Tum Sua in Krabi, Thailand for years now. In the next few weeks, we’ll start featuring our old, rare, unique, and one-of-a-kind Thai pendants in our old pendants section. These are all guaranteed authentic.

Everything at OUR SHOP is authentic from Theravada Buddhist Temples here in Thailand.

Here on this page we wanted to give you as much information as possible to help you decide, is your pendant genuine and 100% authentic, or is it fake, Thais call fake amulets, “Blawm” and they are as worthless here as they are in your hands in America, Europe, Australia or wherever you happen to be.

How does one tell real pendants from fakes in an eBay auction?

False information is the easiest way. The top-running scam on eBay appears to be calling every gold pendant – solid gold. Every gold case is called solid gold. This is incorrect in 99% of all ads we saw on eBay. Meaning, there are gold cases, but maybe 1% of sellers even have one. Solid gold cases are not popular in Thailand.

They are too soft. If someone is selling a solid gold pendant or any pendant in what they are calling a solid gold case – it’s more than likely a scam, please don’t buy such a thing.

Nearly all Thai pendants are easily faked. You cannot tell from the photos. Sometimes it’s impossible to tell in person. I have some good friends who are Thai pendant vendors here in Thailand and sometimes they admit they too are fooled.

What to look for? It is impossible to tell 100% if the pendant is genuine. One must trust that the seller is selling genuine articles. If you are a frequent buyer of sacred Thai pendants you need to align yourself with a seller or sellers that you trust and that consistently give you great amulets.

Here are some ways that will help you make the decision about whether the pendants are genuine or fake.

Is the seller located in Thailand?  How can you know this?

Ask the seller to send a photo of a Thai license plate or some of the houses outside where they live. Or perhaps some Thai writing on a box or bag at their home.

Ideally, you could ask for a photo sent by email of the pendant he is selling in front of the daily “Bangkok Post” newspaper or “The Nation” newspaper. Then you will know – is the seller living in Thailand or scamming you from another part of the world?

Maybe in the town next to yours. Ask the seller to send you photos of Thailand that he took over the years. Doesn’t he have any? How can someone stay in this amazing country and not be able to produce at least a couple hundred images of himself or herself in Thailand?

My wife is Thai and I am an American. I have been in Thailand for over 14 years and now that we have a child here we will live in Thailand… well, probably forever.

The best thing to look for in a Thai pendant is whether the pendant seller is getting them from the temple or not. Does he/she mention that the pendants are coming directly from a Buddhist temple in Thailand?

If not, your Thai pendant might be coming from Miami, Florida. It’s easy to make cheap bronze, copper, and clay amulets. There is big money in it – and I’d guess that 95% or more of all pendants sold on eBay are fake Thai amulets.

I’d further guess that 80% of all Thai pendants sold at private websites / online stores are also fake. These are just guesses, but we’ve spent a lot of time online looking at what other pendant sellers are doing. It’s scary, and it goes against Buddhism – but, most of the sellers online are not Buddhist at all.

When you’re looking to prove whether the Thai pendant you are going to buy is authentic or not – the prime consideration should be – the way the seller presents it.

Does the seller have photos of the temple the pendants come from? Photos of the abbot of the temple that blesses each pendant before it is sold? Is the abbot of the temple anyone special or not? Does the seller have photos or videos of him/herself with the abbot of the temple? That’s a great way to prove the seller is actually in Thailand.

Does the seller have the items, or is the entire auction a scam?

The technique of getting a picture of multiple items together in a group works well. If you are buying a batch of pendants you can request that we put them all together and take a video, prior to us sending them to you.

Obviously, we must have the pendants if we can do that for you.

Does the pendant seller add historical information about the amulet?

Where did the pendant come from (city)? What temple is the pendant from?  What monk is featured? Thai people will never purchase a pendant that they don’t know the history about. Even if the seller bought the item in Thailand he would know the history. If he doesn’t, you should suspect a scam.

Does the pendant seller have good feedback?

This can be a trick, so watch this carefully. EBay sellers can build up a username with great feedback by selling and buying very cheap items – 50 cents or less – maybe hundreds of them to build up their feedback rating.

They then list $20,000 worth of amulets, mobile phones, notebook computers, or other expensive items and have them all end on the same day. They take the money and run.

It is possible to BUY an Ebay username as well – and some people make big money doing this – they sell an Ebay username for $500-1000 USD which is then later used to run up a huge group of auctions that they don’t plan on sending items for – just collecting the cash. D

Don’t be a victim! Be careful buying high-dollar items over $300 USD or whatever you can’t afford to lose.

We don’t sell much on eBay because we’re not usually dealing with Buddhists or serious collectors of pendants there. There are many scamming buyers as well as sellers. We prefer to list our old pendants here and build a relationship with buyers that continued buying from us for years. This has been the way it’s worked with our new amulets, and now as we offer the old – we hope the same.

Specific Information about the Veracity of New Amulets (under 100 years old)

1. Does the seller have the city of origination listed? The wat?
If new and authentic the seller will likely know the amulet’s origin and other specifics and write it in the auction ad or on the site.

2. Jatukam Amulets – Jatukam (Jatukum) pendants were at a peak in popularity a couple of years ago but many Thais are still collecting them like there is no tomorrow. We don’t have many on-site because we cannot find the good ones all that often. (Update – we now have about 25 Jatukam amulets, but most are not online at our store. Ask if interested in Jatukam.)

About Old Amulets (100+ years old):
There are Thai jewelers here who are going against their religion and building up a lot of bad karma by faking the age of their pendants by brushing them with dirt, sand, rust shavings, and other metals, and using other techniques.  Some things to look for with old amulets…

1. Does the pendant SMELL STRONGLY of the material it is made from?
Amulets lose their smell over time. One exception to this is some Lek Lai pendants which still have a smell even after many years. One way to tell the authenticity of an OLD pendant is to see if it smells strong. With the exception of the Lek-lai amulets, Buddhist pendants typically do not smell much if they are ancient. The smell has worn away, like the sharp pendant edges and details have also worn away over the years.

2. Are there MOLD MARKS on the old amulet?
If you check the sides – not the front and the back – you may see a seal from where the mold closed together. Molds were not used much before 100 years ago and if an auction seller is telling you the item is over 400 years old and you can plainly see mold creases – you are likely being sold a fake item. There ARE exceptions to this as sometimes monks would put two halves together.

If this is the case you will see a very obvious and uneven crease in where the two halves have been joined. Look for a very small crease that is straight and seems to be from two halves being pressed together which signifies a recently made Thai amulet.

3. Old pendants (100+ years) that are genuine will probably NOT be found for UNDER $100 USD, regardless of size. Why would a seller sell them for under their cost here in Thailand? Logically it doesn’t make sense, and cannot be.

Newer pendants between 10 and 30 years can sometimes be found for as low as $70. Sometimes here on this site, we have specials at this rate because we have hundreds of pendants that we should really share with the rest of the world. We feel like we’re being selfish by keeping them.

4. Old pendants are IMPERFECT.
Over 100 years ago nobody was thinking about preserving the item in plastic, glass or other cases. The VERY old pendants over 100 years are imperfect, and that is part of their charm and helps prove that they are original.

If someone is telling you that a perfect pendant is over 100 years old I would be pretty skeptical. It’s possible, but maybe 2% of all pendants over 100 years old are in perfect shape because they were never exposed to the elements of heat, sunlight, and Thailand’s very humid air.

5. Is the pendant ORIGINAL and ONE-OF-A-KIND?
Typically the very old pendants (100+ years) are absolutely unique and original. You will likely not find two OLD pendants of the exact same type, size, colors, materials, etc. If you do, be skeptical. You can search eBay’s past listings in the “advanced search” function. If a seller is selling multiple very old items that are the same – they are fake – I’m 100% sure.

I have found pendants in Chinese stores in Ubon Ratchathani for 2 baht each (8 cents USD). They are shiny metal and dulled metal – some designed to look old. It can be hard for you to decide by a picture on eBay, however, if the seller is selling the same type of pendant again after his present auction – they are fake and he is getting them for 5 cents to 20 cents per amulet! Are they worth the $30-$200 you’re buying them for?

6. Is the seller representing the amulet’s case as being MORE THAN 100 years old?
Prior to 100 years ago or so pendants were sometimes wrapped in a silver, gold or other metal encasement that just outlines the edge of the pendant and protects it from breaking pieces off when brushed up against things during normal wear.

There were no plastic or glass cases that were much older than 100 years. Trust me. Most serious collectors here don’t like to put old pendants into new cases. It’s just not ‘right’. However, those pendants that are over 100 years old unless they are brass, copper, silver, gold or nickel, need something to protect them – a new case or old antique case, up to you.

Recently there has been a massive interest in the round-shaped Jatukam type Amulets. These are new amulets, do not let anyone tell you that they are ancient, they are not. The Jatukam pendants have not been made before 2004.

That said, there are still some Jatukam pendants that Thai people believe will bring them good fortune. Some being sold outside of Thailand are genuine and some are not. We cannot tell you which ones to purchase as one must know the history of the pendant in order to call it genuine. 

We buy all Jatukam pendants from the original temple in Thailand where they started – Nakhon Si Thammarat’s Wat Phra Mahathat temple. This way we know we only carry authentic items. Ask sellers WHERE their Jatukam pendants came from.

It’s nearly impossible to prove that a pendant is genuine unless you know the history of it.  However, you can spot some fake pendants rather easily.

Metal Amulets – These can be produced by amateurs with a mold for the amulet. All of our newer metal pendants come directly from the temple and we have photos, videos, and stickers.

There are thousands of fake pendants on the market. Trust in the person you buy from is essential. If you don’t care about authenticity go to eBay and buy pendants for $1-30. I’ve seen some obvious fakes as high as $600. There appear to be few reputable dealers on eBay.

If you have any questions at all, please write us at:  and we will answer your question to the best of our ability.

Look for Thai Amulet Sales sites on Google and find the ones that don’t appear to be selling hype. It’s easy to talk wildly about how great a Thai pendant store is – it’s another thing to sell the pendants in a low-key, respectable fashion that brings credit to the seller, the amulets, and Buddhism as a religion of simple-minded, good-hearted people.

Buying Thai pendants for more than $100 can be risky business because the potential exists for you to be cheated out of a lot more money. Buying old Thai pendants from someone that you don’t know, trust, or know someone who trusts the seller – is a very risky idea.

I said before, I would guess that 99+ percent of all old pendants sold online are not genuine Thai pendants but are worthless clay that some unscrupulous pendant makers churn out by the thousands here in Thailand daily.

An old Thai pendant has a history. If it doesn’t – who is to say where it came from? Thai people tell the history of the pendants that are old and worth nothing. They know intimately where the pendant has been, who made it – who owned it – how many were made in Thailand, and other details.

Thais tend to keep their very valuable pendants to themselves – and the temples are full of them. They aren’t selling most of them either. Occasionally a foreigner will get a hold of some valuable Thai pendants to sell but, it’s a rare occurrence. I have had a batch to sell and sold some, and I know of only one other authentic old pendant seller on eBay that I could vouch for.

Thai pendants are great gifts and many people pay far too much for junk. Why not try to find an authentic Thai pendant by focusing much more on the seller, the website, the lack of hype behind the sales process, and the Buddhist values the seller believes in – to find your Thai amulet? I think you’ll have a better experience.

With Metta! :)


14 thoughts on “Thai Amulets Real or Fake?”

  1. I’d like to send you some pictures of 4 Phra Somdej Toh amulets to see if they’re real of fake. I read your web site and think they’re real. I’d like to buy some cases for them but wanted to have you look at them. I tried to send you an email from your contact but it says not an address. Could you send me proper email address.
    Blessings David

  2. Sorry, there is no way to know if fake or not. It is very easy to make marks on an amulet. Everyone knows the marks that must be made. Not difficult to fake any amulet. If you didn’t buy it directly at temple, there is no way to know. That’s the easy answer. Some amulet sellers sell amulets only from temples, like us. But, we don’t know anyone else that does this. It is a private market between sellers and there are millions of fake amulets everywhere. :(

  3. Hi there. I would like to ask if there are any amulet counters in Wat Arun, Grand Palace in Bangkok? Also, would they rent them to foreigners?

  4. Hello ,

    It’s a pleasure getting to.know you online. I am a Chinese staying in Malaysia, very very close to Thailand and wish to buy good amulets for wealth and protection. May I ask you which amulet is really good for bringing in wealth and protection?

    As you are an American and staying in Thailand , can you please tell me which amulet is good? Kuman Thong? Do you know this, the golden ghost boy?

    Thanks and regards,

  5. Do you know that, a lot of amulets sellers are agent to temples too?
    Many amulets so called from temple is being mass produced and agreement with the temple, they will pass the finished product to temple n so called being blessed for by the current abbot..and in return, the agent will donate a big donation to the temple.frequent..or certain proceeds from the sales of amulets will be donated to the temple..? :)

  6. Hi,
    I have a amulet that are over 100 years. Could you do me a favor by helping me confirm if it is real?


  7. We wouldn’t have the slightest idea HOW to do that… we don’t buy amulets from the public, just monks. We don’t assess amulets. It’s far too easy to fake them. :P

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