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What to Export from Thailand

What to Export from Thailand?

Export Buddhist Pendants: Buddha, Kwan Yin, Ganesh, Luang Phor Tuad

Sawasdee Ka/Krup! (Hello!)

If you are wondering what to export from Thailand – we can help.

For nearly four years we have operated a profitable Thai pendant business from Thailand. We export from Thailand directly to buyers in many countries. At last count we have sent pendants to 57 countries worldwide. This could also be your business.

Take a few minutes to browse our website here. It is very simple, not built on any expensive platform. Initially we had about 12 pages of inventory to export. We started making a couple hundred dollars per month – and we were happy with that – but wondered if we could do more. We now have over 120 pages and have added 400+ Thai pendants – including Buddha, Kwan Yin, Ganesh, Luang Phor Tuad, Guman Tong, Jatukam, and many others. Besides pendants we sell necklaces, bracelets, shirts, yant flags, and figurines.

Why export Buddhist jewelry from Thailand instead of something else?


There is not that much competition in this space. Those that are in the space are attempting to sell everything related to Buddhist jewelry. It is hard to generalize in any business online. Specialization is key. We have a rather broad inventory, and now we are considering breaking it into separate pieces and focusing on small niches rather than this large one. We think you should too.

Look at how much competition there is for other manufacturer’s items from Thailand. Gold? Necklaces? Pearl necklaces? Silk scarves? Thai meditation pillows? Thai gems?

These niches are completely saturated with people attempting to make big money in them. It would take you years to see any success in these areas. Thai pendants is a very large niche and it’s pretty open for the moment. If you get into it now – you have time to solidify your area of specialization and make a successful business. Knowing what we do about the industry – we can help you get there in a minimum amount of time.

Start to export from Thailand and see the benefits that can be yours in just a few weeks. You can choose to have us create your own pendant business – for which you decide the inventory, and we get it for you. We can drop ship the items for you from Thailand, or we can ship them to you directly and you can send them from your home country.

Thai pendants are a world-wide business. Thailand gets 14+ million visitors per year from countries across the globe. Visitors cannot help but be entranced by the Buddhist temples, and the stories of Buddha and Buddhism. Worldwide it is estimated that there are more than 500 million Buddhists. Many are wearing pendants we sold here at this site. You can also get into this business in a couple of ways:

1. Contact us to create your own personalized solution. We’ll create your own pendant website for you. You choose the inventory we’ll export from Thailand to your home in whatever country you are in. You’ll take orders online – and be alerted in your email that an order was processed and money sent to your bank account. You’ll package and send your amulet.

2. You might already have your own pendant business and need constant supplies of inventory. We can find the inventory for you here in Thailand. There are thousands of types of pendants in Thailand, and we know where to find them. You’d pay us a fee for finding your amulets, necklaces, bracelets, whatever you decide to sell. We would send them from Thailand.

3. Start today by purchasing our pendant business. We have considered selling this site on a couple of occasions. The people that wanted to buy it were not so interested in selling authentic Thai pendants – so we turned down their offers. We are open to selling this business to Buddhists that want to continue the same tradition we have here – selling authentic Buddhist pendants and accessories bought directly from Buddhist temples. If you are looking to make $12,000 to $20,000 per year with a small business that anyone can run easily – contact us at the email below.

When you export from Thailand you are bringing a vital service to the worldwide marketplace. We started this Thailand-based business because we saw a need for selling authentic pendants at reasonable prices. We don’t use a middle man – we purchase all pendants and other Buddhist items, directly from the temples close to us – and sometimes even across the country as we travel.

To get started in your own pendant business and start exporting from Thailand today – write us at the address below and let us know what you would like to do.

Please write: for wholesale Thailand jewelry inquiries.

2 thoughts on “What to Export from Thailand”

  1. I would like to try to sell authentic amulets. I think for me getting orders and drop ship directly to the customer sounds good. What do you think of sites such as Amazon and Ebay etc.

    I would want something starting on a shoestring. I am a disabled woman and don’t work. I thought something like this would be wonderful for me.

    I also don’t have a website.

    Let’s talk and see if we can work together.

  2. hello im paul im looking for a specific. thai. pendant.i picked a couple of them.in Mai tang thailand. thank u

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